



       Name:Nippon Soda Co., Ltd.

  Head Office:2-2-1, Ohtemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8165, Japan


  Established:February 1, 1920

  Capital:¥29,166 million (As of March 31, 2011)

  Number of Employees:1,237 (Consolidated : 2,297) (As of March 31, 2011)

           Working from a foundation of compliance and sound, transparent management, Nippon Soda uses chemistry to provide outstanding products that contribute to the advancement of society. We do our best to live up to the expectations and trust of our shareholders, business partners, employees, and other stakeholders. And, with the pursuit of business activities that are environmentally friendly -- one of our key management principles -- we apply our own unique technologies in developing high-value-added products. We are a chemical company that stresses technology and a global perspective.

Heading into an era of mega-competition, business conditions for the chemical industry are becoming more and more difficult. For its part, Nippon Soda will focus on ensuring that its business structure and approaches are capable of delivering stable earnings even under such conditions. Toward that end, we will move forward with the development and commercialization of new chemical, agrochemical, and other products, work to make our existing businesses even more competitive by pursuing additional production efficiency improvements and thorough profit management, and strengthen our business base by pushing ahead with efforts to create a more streamlined, efficient organization and invigorate our human assets.

On a different front, we will deepen production, financial, and procurement ties among our Group companies to help maximize our management resource efficiency and earnings as a group.

To encourage even greater public trust, we will take steps to strengthen internal systems regarding environmental initiatives, management disclosures, legal and ethical matters, and other areas.

As we move forward with our ambitious plans, we will be grateful for the ongoing support of our shareholders and other stakeholders.



郁南县| 屏东县| 溆浦县| 临猗县| 淮南市| 秭归县| 张家口市| 博野县| 黎平县| 新乐市| 望江县| 淳安县| 玛多县| 朝阳县| 巩留县| 榆树市| 云梦县| 晋江市| 星子县| 德阳市| 涿鹿县| 吉木乃县| 土默特左旗| 巨鹿县| 浦县| 保德县| 汝城县| 广安市| 新邵县| 柘城县| 阳信县| 乡宁县| 江油市| 威海市| 内乡县| 黔江区| 宽甸| 平顺县| 日喀则市| 凤阳县| 余庆县|